Meet Paige, an author hailing from Pittsburgh, known for her unique ability to infuse humor into the macabre. Spanning across genres from Young Adult to Adult, her captivating stories transport readers into worlds teeming with magic, myth, and murder.

During her leisure moments, Paige indulges in showering her beloved feline children, Maple and Caramel, with affection, while also streaming anime alongside her husband. 

i'm fascinated by marine life and dinosaurs

I started by writing fanfiction for video games and visual novels!

I'm caught up on One Piece

Meet Paige



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"Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned."

Sin and Bones is book one of a thrilling new dark fantasy series about a girl stalked by tragedy who must find the courage to fight for a future she never knew she wanted.

I’ve always dreamed of creating visual novels and dating games like the ones I played as a kid, and little me would be so excited to know that dream has come true! If you’re into video games with story, feel free to check out some of the games I’ve had a hand in creating. I hope you enjoy playing them as much as I did writing for them!

Speaking of my love for visual novels...


